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CONNECT DDA Behind the Scenes
The DDA Is Here For You • Parking garage elevator repairs
• Buckling sidewalk repairs
We encourage you to be our partner and communicate your thoughts • Upgraded landscaping throughout the parking lots and plant nodes
and ideas: • Outdoor café rules enforcement (ongoing)
• DDA Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at • CBD LDR regulations – DDA provided a list of recommendations to
12 p.m. at City Hall, 1st floor conference room. the Planning & Zoning Department
• Merchant Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Please • Downtown Placemaking (new trashcans, liners, & placement)
• Parklet Pilot/Testing Program (to assist with overly crowded sidewalks)
see Merchant Facebook page and eblasts for details. • Sign ordinance review & update for the CBD (recommendations
• Participate in DDA program & marketing opportunities.
• Update your merchant landing page at provided by the DDA and Gibbs Planning Group) Bi-Weekly E-Newsletters – Please Read!
• For information on news and events, be sure to check
Everything you need to know about what is happening Downtown is and join the Downtown covered in our bi-weekly e-newsletters. From marketing opportunities
Delray Beach Business Owners Facebook group. and construction updates to road closures and events, the e-newsletters
• Call: 561.243.1077 are a MUST READ to be in the know! We will also be sharing: business
• Email: milestones, updates on the Visitor Information Center and Safety
Ambassador Program, Delray Beach fun and historical facts, City
implementations, dates for open meetings, events for participation,
and highlighting those very involved businesses! Please email DDA@ if you are not on the e-newsletter list!
Parking Program - Update Downtown Delray Beach Safety Ambassador Team
Effective October 1, the City of Delray Beach Resident Parking Permit Safety Ambassador Program - Update
for Downtown will be available. For an annual $12 fee, residents with
the permit can park for free in metered spaces Downtown until 6 p.m. THE YELLOW SHIRTS ARE HERE TO HELP YOU! The Safety Ambassador
This includes west of the intracoastal waterway bridge and the parking Program funded by the DDA has been overwhelmingly welcomed back
garages. Atlantic Avenue and on-beach parking along A1A not to assist in making Downtown Delray Beach safer and friendlier. The
included. Yellow Shirts are on bike and foot patrol from 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. Sunday
through Thursday and 7 a.m. -11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. You will see
Shopability Study - Update them between NW/SW 6th Ave east on Atlantic Avenue to A1A and one
block on either side of Atlantic Avenue, on NW 5th Ave and NE 2nd Ave.
The DDA commissioned a shopability study by leading urban retail Reminder: utilize the Safety Ambassadors for safe walks to the car and
planning consultant Robert Gibbs of the Gibbs Planning Group that to assist with nuisance issues. Always in the case of emergency please
was completed in February 2018. Since then the City, the DDA and dial 911! If you require assistance from a Safety Ambassador, call or text:
Downtown merchants have worked together to implement the short- 561.379.8136 or 561.386.1134.
term recommendations for Downtown from the report. Here is an update:
Completed “Our goal is to grow the Safety Ambassador Team,” said Laura Simon,
Executive Director, DDA. “We welcome your feedback at DDA@
• Parking Meter program Phase 1 is completed. A comprehensive”
parking management plan is recommended in the medium-term
• Parking Garages: cleaning, painting, re-striping and signage
• Pressure spraying of the sidewalks in the public areas
• Tree trimming (follow up maintenance is scheduled)
• Parking lot & street re-striping (continues to be addressed)
• Wayfinding signage
• Storefront potted plant beautification
The DDA stimulates, enhances, and sustains Richalyn Miller, Marketing Coordinator
the economic vitality of Downtown Delray #DowntownDelray
Beach and the quality of life enjoyed by
locals and visitors. Kellie Ames, Project Manager
Laura Simon, Executive Director BJ Sklar, Visitor Center Services Coordinator
Lauren Lyall, Operations Manager
Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority
85 SE 4th Avenue, Suite 108 • Delray Beach, FL 33483 • 561.243.1077 • FAX 561.243.1079